
Fusing Fashion & Philanthropy: Wild Soul Sunglasses

It’s not every day that we get to do what we love for a living whilst also being a shining light to those in need. To most, achieving just one of the above would be enough. But not for Marc Battipaglia and Andres Beker who created philanthropic fashion label Wild Soul Sunglasses in November 2012.

Wild Soul was created on the premise that there are causes greater than our own that can and must be supported. They are dedicated to giving supporters of Wild Soul a platform to help the causes that are close to their hearts.
Black Owls.

*Black Lions.

Black Rhinos.

Wild Soul’s range of sunglasses which are all named after untamed animals (the Lion, the Owl, the Elephant, and the Rhino) help customers “be wild” while helping them “fulfill their soul”, giving a portion of each sale to a charity of the customer's choice. 

Each pair of sunglasses are meticulously crafted after the intricate features of the animal whose name they carry and are available in several rich and earthy colors using quality materials.

Blue Elephants.

Earth Rhinos.

Emerald Rhinos.

But it wasn't always an easy road for Marc and Andres to get their vision off the ground. After meeting in college, the pair became instant friends and knew they both shared a passion for design while incorporating charity and giving back into everything they build.

Manufacturers backing out, website designers who could not accurately portray their vision, delayed and lost shipments, all the while balancing work and law school, were just some of the obstacles that were trying to throw them off track in their quest to fuse fashion and philanthropy. However these hurdles didn’t stop the duo.

Spotted Ivory Elephants.

*Spotted Ivory Lions.

Tortoise Lions.

Today, their mornings begin with emails being sent from Argentina, updated tasks lists in New York City, and their days coming to a close with orders from the other side of the world.*Tortoise Owls.

Yellow Elephants.

Marc and Andres’ willful persistence has shown that passion for a cause can overcome the biggest of hurdles. They have successfully bridged the gap between fashionistas and philanthropists worldwide, affirming that there is a little Wild to everyone’s Soul.
Wild Soul Founders--Mark and Andres. <3 p="">
| Text and photos were provided by www.youngrepublic.com. |

Wild Soul is currently available at Young Republic, discover + shop the world of indie fashion -at www.youngrepublic.com

The ones with *asterisks* are my top picks. Which are yours?

Much love,

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  1. Wow, they have some great looking glasses! Thanks for sharing!

    Have a good weekend! xx Pip


    1. Indeed nice glasses it reminds me of my Rayban :) i just bought it online at http://www.fashioneyewear.co.uk/

  2. I just stumbled accross your blog and I love what I have seen so far! You have a great blog filled with many interesting posts.
    Maybe you might consider following each other on GFC and Bloglovin? I will wait for you on my blog!

  3. Love all of them!
    And sure, follow us and we'll follow you back immediately :)

  4. The first model is my favorite, totally love them!
    Would you like to follow each other on Bloglovin and Facebook?
    (¯`·._.·Nymphashion FB·._.·´¯)
    (¯`·._.·Nymphashion Bloglovin·._.·´¯)

  5. Hi there beauty! what a great post, love the black owls and the lion in all colors :) I'm checking out the web right now! Thanks for passing by my blog and commenting, of course I'd love to follow each other! via GFC and bloglovin? let me know in my blog!

    tons of love hun!


  6. sweet blog & I love those sunnies!

    yes, I'd love to follow each other - following you now :)

    Corinne xo

  7. Yes of course we can follow each other! I follow you now! and I hope you will do the same:)

  8. Nice blog! =)

    would you like to follow each other?

    Be sure I’ll follow back! =)


  9. I love the first sunglasses xx


  10. thanks for comment :)
    sure we can follow each other, I just did it, so now is your turn :)
    kisses :)

  11. Thank you for your comment on my blog xxx

    I’d love to following you! Now your turn? :)

    Kisses from Poland!
    Renews xxx

  12. Great glasses, so stylist!
    Yeah ssure, let's follow each other! I'm now following you. Hope you follow me back :)

    Giveaway on my blog <3 SHE WALKS Blog

  13. Absolutely great !!:)@.
    Come and see me and If you wat we can follow each other?:)


  14. I love sunglasses! Especially since it's been getting hotter in LA! :)

    xx Denysia Yu

  15. i want to buy one of those beautiful sunglasses! They look good on each of one who wears it.. Thanks for a nice post. :)

  16. Hellooo,

    Would you like to follow eachother?

    Lots of Love ♥

  17. I'm following you! =)

    www.mayitapink.blogspot.com <3

  18. darling blog! thanks for your sweet comment on mine - i'm now following you.
    hope you follow back & keep in touch xx

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Nice sunnies you have here! Love the cat-eye frame, It reminds me of my Ray-Ban Retro Cat-Eye Frame RB4163 Edition.

  21. I love Wild Soul Sunglasses, I just bought a pair from Sunglass Hut. They are super cute and trendy.


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